Rype Artists: Goodwill Produkter AS (Manufactured by) Arne Tjomsland Creation date: Ca. 1958 Object type: Figure On display: Room 021 The Collection Exhibition V05 - Designing identities "Rype" consists of: Show more Rype Rype Rype Rype Artists/producers Goodwill Produkter AS Arne Tjomsland Designer, Applied artist Born 1915, death 1970 Work info Creation date: Ca. 1958 Other titles: Rype (NOR) Object type: Figure Materials and techniques: Utskåret og håndmalt hvaltann Material: Hvaltann Dimensions: Height: 5.5 cm Keywords: Decorative object Classification: 353.6 - Pyntegjenstander, løse Production place: Sandefjord Inventory no.: OK-1978-0012 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Gift 1978 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Related works Arne Tjomsland Goodwill Produkter AS Figure Ca. 1958 Røyskatt Rype Terne Reinsdyrkalv Rype Lemen Rype Rype Reinsdyr Lemen Mann med harpun og sel Figure