Reinsdyrkalv Artists: Goodwill Produkter AS (Manufactured by - uncertain) Arne Tjomsland Creation date: Ca. 1960 Object type: Figure Not on display Artists/producers Goodwill Produkter AS Arne Tjomsland Designer, Applied artist Born 1915, death 1970 Work info Creation date: Ca. 1960 Other titles: Reinsdyrkalv (NOR) Object type: Figure Materials and techniques: Skåret eik Material: Eik Dimensions: Height: 8.2 cm Width: 2.1 cm Length: 8.5 cm Keywords: Decorative object Classification: 353.6 - Pyntegjenstander, løse Production place: Sandefjord Inventory no.: OK-1978-0025B Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Transferred 1978 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Arne Tjomsland Goodwill Produkter AS Figure Røyskatt Rype Rype Terne Rype Lemen Rype Rype Reinsdyr Lemen Mann med harpun og sel Figure