Patron 89487 original title Artists: Christian Dior Maison Dior (Manufactured by) Creation date: Høst/vinter 1957-1958 Object type: Toile Not on display Artists/producers Christian Dior Fashion designer Born 1905, death 1957 Maison Dior Work info Creation date: Høst/vinter 1957-1958 Other titles: Patron 89487 (FRE) Object type: Toile Materials and techniques: Bomullsstoff i toskaftbinding, dels fôret med gasbinding, metallglidelås, metallhekter Material: Bomull Metall Dimensions: Rygglengde: 94.5 cm Keywords: Costume Classification: 291.42 - Drakt, voksen, kvinne 294 - Fremstilling av drakt håndverksmessig 286.81 - Mønster, stoff og klipping 294.42 - Kjole- og draktsømfaget Production place: Paris Frankrike Inventory no.: OK-18053 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Before 2000 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Related works Christian Dior Maison Dior Toile Høst/vinter 1957-1958 Chaperon Rouge Toile Patron 76473 Patron 92255 Jeudi Toile Patron 91824 Toile Mønsterblad Sko Pumps Pumps