Patron 92255 original title Artists: Christian Dior (assumed) Maison Dior (Manufactured by) Yves Saint Laurent (Artist - uncertain) Creation date: Antakelig 1958 Object type: Toile Not on display Artists/producers Christian Dior Fashion designer Born 1905, death 1957 Maison Dior Yves Saint Laurent Fashion house Born 01.08.1936 in Algerie, death 01.06.2008 in Frankrike Work info Creation date: Antakelig 1958 Other titles: Patron 92255 (FRE) Object type: Toile Materials and techniques: Maskinvevd bomullsstoff i toskaftbinding, maskin- og håndsøm Material: Bomull Dimensions: Rygglengde: 105 cm Keywords: Costume Classification: 291.42 - Drakt, voksen, kvinne 294 - Fremstilling av drakt håndverksmessig 294.49 - Klesdesign 286.81 - Mønster, stoff og klipping 294.42 - Kjole- og draktsømfaget Production place: Paris Frankrike Inventory no.: OK-1968-0039 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gift 1968 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Copyright: © Saint Laurent, Yves Related works Christian Dior Yves Saint Laurent Maison Dior Toile Antakelig 1958 Patron 91824 Toile Chaperon Rouge Patron 76473 Patron 89487 Toile Jeudi Toile Sko Blouse Mønsterblad Sko