Lotte Konow Lund Billedkunstner 1967 Utstillinger (publiserte) Vis alle utstillinger (5) PARADOKS. Posisjoner innen norsk videokunst 1980-2010 Prisme Gudinner. Kvinner som beveger kunsten II Født: 1967 Nasjonalitet: Norge Verk i samlingen (publiserte): 56 Utstillinger (publiserte): 5 Verk i samlingen (publiserte) Self-Portrait as Five Dictators and a Victim Self-Portrait as Five Dictators and a Victim Self-Portrait as Five Dictators and a Victim Images from the Inside. What is Freedom? Min kam Images from the Inside. What is Power? Images from the Inside. What do I miss? Images from the Inside. What is Power? Images from the Inside. What is Power? Images from the Inside. What Is Beautiful? Images from the Inside. What is Power? Images from the Inside. What is Freedom?