Electronic reference works and databases
These are available at the library
Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Online
The Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon contains biographical information about more than 1 million artists. The information is based, among other sources, on the printed editions of the standard works Thieme-Becker, Vollmer and Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon. For some artists, only brief information is currently available, but more full-text articles are continuously being added.
Contains journal articles about Norwegian architecture from around 1900 to the present. The service is available to National Museum staff and visitors to the library.
ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)
Journal articles, catalogues, dissertations on modern and contemporary art, photography and design. From 1974 onwards. The service is available to National Museum staff and visitors to the library.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Journal articles about architecture, architectural history, urban planning and design, from 1934 onwards. The service is available to National Museum staff and visitors to the library.
DAAI: Design and Applies Arts Index
Design and crafts from 1973 onwards.
Art history image database (KUB)
This image database contains more than 50,000 pictures relating to the history of Western art from antiquity to the present. Many works from the National Museum’s collections are also included. The images are available for teaching and research purposes, but may not be used commercially. Please ask a member of the library staff for user name and password.
Norwegian architecture competitions (KONKDOK)
Information about Norwegian architecture competitions from 1953 to the present. The service is available to National Museum staff and visitors to the library.
A comprehensive reference work that includes online versions of the Grove Dictionary of Art, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists and the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. The service is available to the National Museum staff and visitors to the library.
A combined search platform for Artbibliographies Modern, Avery and DAAI. The service is available to National Museum staff and visitors to the library.
Other relevant digital resources
An international group catalogue for art libraries.
A German database that allows combined searches of various sources relating primarily to historical art from the medieval period to the present.
BHA: Bibliography of the History of Art
Contains references to fine art from antiquity to the present.
Books and other publications in around 350 Norwegian academic libraries (including all those in the BIBSYS library system), county and public libraries and the libraries of the Norwegian institutes in Athens and Rome.
Current Research Information SysTem in Norway shall document, present, and make quality-assured data about research publicly available. The information in CRIStin is open and searchable by everyone.
Offers searchable data on over 2400 art historians, museum directors, and art-writers of western art from all time periods.
A database of images and information about objects in many Norwegian museum collections.
A combined search platform for European archives, libraries and museums.
The Getty Research Institute has digitised the full text of more that 100,000 works on art history.
Norwegian art, art in general, art theory, international art (as described by Norwegian authors), applied art and residential architecture.
The National Museum – collection
The National Museum’s collection online. Information about 33,000 works and 5,000 artists, architects and designers.
Internet version provided via Store norske leksikon. This is a digital version of the four-volume book publication from 1982–1986. This academic artists dictionary covers Norwegian artists, architects and crafts persons. In Norwegian only.
A search engine that allows you to search the resources of Norwegian academic libraries: books, articles, journals, dissertations, films and electronic resources etc. As of November 2015, this database replaces BIBSYS Ask. It encompasses catalogue data from the National Library of Norway, and the libraries of Norwegian universities, university colleges and several other research institutions.
The database of the Royal Institute of British Architects, with journal articles and books on contemporary architecture.