Oluf Wold-Torne Visual artist, Decorative artist 07.11.1867–19.03.1919 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (7) Livets dans. Samlingen fra antikken til 1950 The Magic North. Finnish and Norwegian Art around 1900 Det magiske nord. Finsk og norsk kunst rundt 1900 Born: 07.11.1867 in Son, Akershus Death: 19.03.1919 in Kristiania, Oslo Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 53 Exhibitions (published): 7 Works in the collection (published) View of Kristianiadalen View from Brevik in Telemark Autumn Flowers and Apples Lilacs and Parrot Album med en rekke innklebede tegninger Kristiania Kunstforenings ornament Ornament med to blå fugler Portrait of the Painter Thorvald Erichsen Houses in Son Apples and Roses Portrait of the Artist Kris Laache Torne Blue Bathing House