Matthias Stoltenberg Visual artist 1799–1871 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (5) Livets dans. Samlingen fra antikken til 1950 Klassisk Christiania. Norge 1814 Exhibition Born: 1799 in Tønsberg Death: 1871 in Vang, Innlandet Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 25 Exhibitions (published): 5 Works in the collection (published) Portrait of County Court Judge Jens C. Delphin The Artist's Father Carl Stoltenberg (replica) Portrait of the Artist's Brother Christian B. Stoltenberg? Portrait of the Artist's Mother Karen Stoltenberg, b. Bull, replica Portrait of Engel Marie Delphin, b. Lange Portrait of Mrs. Ingeborg Møinichen, b. Røring Jakobus Koch Coastal Landscape Gutt med såpeboble. Portrett av Gustav Antonio Gjessing som barn Portrait of Doctor Christian August Egeberg Fra et møte i den gamle Stortingssalen i Christiania Katedralskole Portrait of Margrethe Zeier, b. Gram