Krukke med pels original title Artist: Sidsel Hanum Creation date: 2001 Object type: Krukke On display: Room 028 The Collection Exhibition - Containers Artist/producer Sidsel Hanum Ceramist Born 1955 in Hedemark, Vang He Work info Creation date: 2001 Other titles: Krukke med pels (NOR) Object type: Krukke Materials and techniques: Dreid, modellert og glasert porselen Material: Keramikk/porselen Dimensions: Height: 72.7 cm Diameter: 16.5 cm Keywords: Decorative object Arts and crafts Classification: 323.1 - Keramikk generelt 531 - Kunsthåndverk og formgiving Production place: Norge Inventory no.: OK-2003-0038 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gave 2001 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen/Anne Hansteen Copyright: © Hanum, Sidsel/BONO Related works Sidsel Hanum Krukke 2001 Krukke Rede gønt Trådkurv beige Rosa spiral Liten mørk oval med krystaller Rede gult Dåse Liten lys grønn oval Krukke Krukke Krukke Krukke