Egg boiler Artist: Uidentifisert kunstner Creation date: Ca. 1910 Object type: Egg boiler On display: Room 019 The Collection Exhibition - In search of modernity Work info Creation date: Ca. 1910 Object type: Egg boiler Materials and techniques: Forniklet aluminium Material: Aluminium Nikkel Dimensions: Height: 19 cm Width: 14.2 cm Depth: 13.3 cm Keywords: Design Electrical equipment Classification: 326.9 - Annet metallhåndverk 250 - Matens behandling Style period: Jugend Production place: Tyskland Inventory no.: OK-1994-0144 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1994 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Uidentifisert kunstner Egg boiler Ca. 1910 Bowl Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisebord Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Veggskap Spisestuestol Spisestuestol