Veggskap otherVeggskap other Artists: Kunstindustrimuseets møbelsnekkerskole (Manufactured by) Uidentifisert kunstner Creation date: 1914 Object type: Veggskap On display: Room 019 The Collection Exhibition - In search of modernity Work info Creation date: 1914 Object type: Veggskap Materials and techniques: Lakkert og beiset furu, skåret og profilert dekor Material: Furu Dimensions: Width: 43 cm Height: 77 cm Depth: 23.5 cm Keywords: Furniture Decorative arts Classification: 322.4 - Møbelfagene 352.4 - Oppbevaringsmøbler 531.46 - Møbelkunst Style period: Neo-baroque National Romanticism Production place: Dokka Norge Inventory no.: OK-1989-0141C Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gift 1989 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Børre Høstland "Veggskap, Veggskap" relates to: Spisestuestol Related works Kunstindustrimuseets møbelsnekkerskole Uidentifisert kunstner Veggskap 1914 Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisebord Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Buffet Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol