Tapestry Artists: Ulrikke Greve Marie Laurencin (Artist for cartoon/modello i.a.) Creation date: Ca. 1918 (vevnad) / 1911-1912 (motiv) Object type: Tapestry On display: Room 019 The Collection Exhibition - In search of modernity Artists/producers Ulrikke Greve Veverske Born 26.05.1868 in Hedemark, Vang He, death 1951 Marie Laurencin Painter Born 31.10.1885, death 08.06.1956 Work info Creation date: Ca. 1918 (vevnad) / 1911-1912 (motiv) Object type: Tapestry Materials and techniques: Billedvev i gobelinteknikk, håndvevd med bomullsgarn i renningen, ullgarn og noe bomullsgarn i innslaget Material: Ull Bomull Dimensions: Width: 137 cm Height: 116 cm Length: 17 cm Keywords: Textile Arts and crafts Visual art Classification: 286.3 - Veving 286.33 - Billedvev 353.5 - Bilder og veggtepper m.m. 531.2 - Tekstil kunsthåndverk 532 - Bildende kunst Production place: Norge Paris Frankrike Inventory no.: OK-1980-0151 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1980 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Annar Bjørgli Related works Ulrikke Greve Tapestry Ca. 1918 (vevnad) / 1911-1912 (motiv) Den kloge fugl Portiere Vue de Stub-Ljan Blaa skov The Hunter's Chase Englekor Tapestry Jephta's Daughter Folkevise Skybragd Guiamars sagn C'est ainsi