Kaffeservise Artists: Henrik Bull Hans Hohle (Manufactured by - assumed) Creation date: 1905 Object type: Kaffeservise On display: Room 015 The Collection Exhibition - Can machines make beautiful things? "Kaffeservise" consists of: Show more Kaffekanne Artists/producers Henrik Bull Architect Born 28.03.1864 in Oslo, death 02.06.1953 in Oslo Hans Hohle Goldsmith Work info Creation date: 1905 Object type: Kaffeservise Materials and techniques: Drevet sølv med forgylling og trehåndtak Material: Sølv Wood Dimensions: Height: 22.5 cm Diameter: 12.2 cm Width: 20.5 cm Keywords: Tableware Tableware Decorative arts Classification: 264.2 - Spising og spiseredskaper 272 - Drikker 326 - Metallhåndverk 326.87 - Sølvvarefabrikk Style period: Jugend Art Nouveau Inventory no.: OK-1979-0086 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Kjøpt 1978 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Hans Hohle Henrik Bull Kaffeservise 1905 Kaffekanne Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade Detalj fra Finansdepartementet Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade Statsrådssal i Regjeringsbygningen Marble Mosaic in the Government building The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor Christ Church. Proposal for Reconstruction of the West Front at Throndheim Cathedral Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade Mogens Thorsens Stiftelse Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania