Parafinlampe Artist: Henrik Bull Creation date: 1883 Object type: Parafinlampe Not on display Artist/producer Henrik Bull Architect Born 28.03.1864 in Oslo, death 02.06.1953 in Oslo Work info Creation date: 1883 Object type: Parafinlampe Materials and techniques: Forsølvet messing, glass Material: Messing Glass Sølv Dimensions: Diameter: 28 cm Height: 73 cm Keywords: Lighting Classification: 354.1 - Belysning Production place: Oslo Inventory no.: OK-13982 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Acquisition: Gave 1955 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Harvik, Andreas Related works Henrik Bull Parafinlampe 1883 Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade Mogens Thorsens Stiftelse Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania The National Theatre, plan of 1. floor Fra Finansdepartementets fasade Proposal for a new Theatre Building in Kristianina Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania Historical Museum The National Theatre, dressing room The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade