Gala dress Artists: Gudbjørg Petlund (assumed) Molstad & Co (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1968 Object type: Gala dress On display: Room 031 The Collection Exhibition - Two queens meet Artists/producers Gudbjørg Petlund Master seamstress Born 10.01.1915, death 29.11.2002 Molstad & Co Clothing trader, Custom-fitted clothing Work info Creation date: 1968 Object type: Gala dress Materials and techniques: Maskinvevd silkeziberline, fôrsilke, stofftrukne knapper, glidelås, metallhekter, maskin- og håndsøm Material: Silke Metall Dimensions: Rygglengde: 119 cm Vidde: 74 cm Length: 138 cm Keywords: Costume Classification: 291 - Drakt 291.42 - Drakt, voksen, kvinne 294 - Fremstilling av drakt håndverksmessig Motif - person: H.M. Dronning Sonja (user) Production place: Oslo (fylke) Oslo Inventory no.: OK-1976-0179 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Gift 1976 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen Related works Gudbjørg Petlund Molstad & Co Gala dress 1968 Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Drakt Selskapskjole Gala dress