Gala dress Artists: Jeanne Lafaurie Molstad & Co (Dealer - assumed certain) Creation date: 1953 Object type: Gala dress Not on display Artists/producers Jeanne Lafaurie Couturiste, Clothing designer, Modéliste Born 1897, death 1982 Molstad & Co Clothing trader, Custom-fitted clothing Work info Creation date: 1953 Object type: Gala dress Materials and techniques: Maskinvevd silkeduchesse, fôr av silketaft, med tyll og gauzestoff i underlagene, blylodd, metallspiler og -hemper, metallglidelås, maskin- og håndsøm Material: Silke Bly Metall Polyamid Dimensions: Vidde: 874 cm Length: 151 cm Circumference: 92 cm Keywords: Costume Classification: 286.386 - Satengveving 291.42 - Drakt, voksen, kvinne 291.72 - Drakt, kropp 294 - Fremstilling av drakt håndverksmessig 294.49 - Klesdesign Motif - person: Kielland, Edle Due (user) Production place: Paris Frankrike Oslo (fylke) Inventory no.: OK-1972-0057 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gift 1972 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Related works Molstad & Co Gala dress 1953 Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Gala dress Outfit Kåpe Selskapskjole