Sofa Artists: Henrik Bull (Interior architect) A. Huseby & Co (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1896 Object type: Sofa On display: Room 019 The Collection Exhibition - In search of modernity Artists/producers Henrik Bull Architect Born 28.03.1864 in Oslo, death 02.06.1953 in Oslo A. Huseby & Co Cabinetmaker, Furniture upholstery workshop Work info Creation date: 1896 Object type: Sofa Materials and techniques: Beiset furu med utskåret dekor, setene trukket i skinn Material: Furu Skinn/lær/pergament Dimensions: Height: 278 cm Depth: 80 cm Width: 243 cm Keywords: Furniture Decorative arts Classification: 322.41 - Møbelsnekring 531.46 - Møbelkunst 322.48 - Møbeldesign Style period: Art Nouveau Dragestil (dragon style) Production place: Oslo Inventory no.: OK-18531 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Acquisition: Gift 1901 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Bjørgli, Annar Related works A. Huseby & Co Henrik Bull Sofa 1896 Shelf Spisebord Table Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol Spisestuestol