Apollo spiller harpe for musene på Parnasset Artist: Francesco Xanto Avelli (attributed to) Creation date: 1542 Object type: Decorative plate On display: Room 004 The Collection Exhibition - The Gutenberg effect Artist/producer Francesco Xanto Avelli Ceramist Born 1487, death 1542 Work info Creation date: 1542 Other titles: Apollo spiller harpe for musene på Parnasset (NOB) Object type: Decorative plate Materials and techniques: Dreiet og glasert majolika med håndmalt dekor Material: Majolika Dimensions: Diameter: 29.4 cm Height: 3.7 cm Keywords: Tableware Tableware Decorative arts Classification: 264 - Matens servering og fortæring 323.1 - Keramikk generelt 532 - Bildende kunst 773 - Mytologi Style period: Renaissance Production place: Umbria Urbino Italia Inventory no.: OK-12045 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gave 1949 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Børre Høstland Related works Decorative plate 1542 Decorative plate Decorative plate Decorative plate Decorative plate Decorative plate Sølvfat Decorative plate Kyst Har man sagt A, har man sagt A Decorative plate Decorative plate Decorative plate