Skap Artists: Martin Borch Severin & Andreas Jensen, Severin (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1888 Object type: Skap On display: Room 013 The Collection Exhibition - Home sweet home Artists/producers Martin Borch Architect Born 01.03.1852, death 08.02.1937 Severin & Andreas Jensen, Severin Cabinetmaker, Carpenter, Painter Work info Creation date: 1888 Object type: Skap Materials and techniques: Furu finert med nøttetre, utskåret relieffdekor, marketeri og intarsia, profilering og dreide detaljer, beslag av messing Material: Nøttetre Messing Furu Dimensions: Height: 201.5 cm Width: 108.5 cm Depth: 59.5 cm Keywords: Furniture Decorative arts Classification: 322.4 - Møbelfagene 352.4 - Oppbevaringsmøbler 531.46 - Møbelkunst Style period: Neo-renaissance Production place: København Danmark Inventory no.: OK-03006 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Acquisition: Kjøpt 1888 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Bjørgli, Annar Related works Skap 1888 Skap Skap Skap Skap Bokskap Skap Skap Skap Lintøyskap Skap Utstillingsmonter Skap