Utstillingshylle for Petit-Art Artists: Arne Korsmo A. Huseby & Co (Manufactured by - assumed certain) Creation date: Ca. 1930 Object type: Shelf On display: Room 020 The Collection Exhibition - Ideals, crisis ang growth Artists/producers Arne Korsmo Architect Born 14.08.1900 in Oslo, death 29.08.1968 in Cusco, Peru A. Huseby & Co Cabinetmaker, Furniture upholstery workshop Work info Creation date: Ca. 1930 Other titles: Utstillingshylle for Petit-Art (NOR) Object type: Shelf Materials and techniques: Lakkert furu med forkrommet messing og gummi Material: Furu Gummi/plast Dimensions: Height: 157 cm Depth: 28.7 cm Width: 91 cm Weight: 25 kg Keywords: Design Classification: 531.46 - Møbelkunst Motif - person: Petit Art A/S (historical event, person, place, with affiliation) Inventory no.: NMK.DEP.2018.0036 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: On loan 2018 Owner and collection: Leif Engh, The Design Collections Photo: Annar Bjørgli Related works Arne Korsmo A. Huseby & Co Shelf Ca. 1930 Shelf Dressing table Skrivebord Skrivebord Spisebord Sofa Interior in Villa Damman Interior in Villa Damman O.A.F. jubileumsutstilling 1956 Studie Komposisjonsstudie Komposisjonsstudie