Literature on "Le Corbusier by the Sea"

Selected literature in the library
Blau, Eve, Nancy J. Troy, ed. Architecture and cubism. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002.
Bosson, Viveka, Beate Sydhoff. Le Corbusier: konstnären och arkitekten. Stockholm: Kulturhuset, 1993. Utstillingskatalog.
Boyer, M. Christine. “A method for the arts of today: Purism, Après le Cubisme, and l’Esprit Nouveau”. In Le Corbusier: Homme de lettres. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2011.
Cohen, Jean-Louis, Staffan Ahrenberg, ed. Le Corbusier's secret laboratory: From painting to architecture. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2013.
Coll, Jamie. «Structure and play in Le Corbusier’s art works». In AA Files nr. 31 (2016): 3-14.
Le Corbusier: Carnets: Volume 1, 1914-1948. New York: Fondation Le Corbusier; The Architectural History Foundation, 1981.
Le Corbusier som billedkunstner. København: Statens Museum for Kunst, 1987. Exhibotion catalogue.
Le Corbusier. The radiant city: Elements of a doctrine of urbanism to be used as the basis of our machine-age civilization. New York: Orion Press, 1967.
Le Corbusier, Louis Soutter. Une maison - un palais. Lyon: Fage éd., 2011.