
Bollebar (in English: bun bar) is child-friendly, offering buns, squash drinks and coffee, breakfast meals and dessert. In other words, just about anything you might want from a café.
"Bollebar is a new approach to the traditional bun offering; with sweet baked goods to brioche and everything in between – as long as it's bun-shaped. Guests will be offered both breakfast meals and dessert, in other words, just about anything you might want from a café," says Tom Victor Gausdal, one of the partners behind Bollebar.
Lava Oslo and Dugurd Kantiner are behind Bollebar as well as several popular dining venues in Oslo including Smalhans in St. Hanshaugen and Katla in Universitetsgata.
Bollebar is a child-friendly café offering buns, squash drinks and coffee - but not alcohol. Guests will be served buns and squash drinks made from seasonal ingredients.
"You can get doughnuts and cupcakes everywhere, but little has been done with the traditional bun. We wanted to do something about this. We take no short cuts with the buns; confectioners normally don't touch baked products; that's more of a job for chefs, but we asked confectioners to develop the different toppings," says Gausdal.
Baker Trude Beate Brendehaug is general manager of Bollebar. She has experience from Norway's national bakery team 2020 and Kveitemjøl bakery at Aker Brygge.
About Bollebar
- Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 09:00–17:30, Saturday to Sunday 09:30–17:00 Monday closed.
- Address: Brynjulf Bulls plass 2

– En av bollene skal ha marengs oppi bolla, som vi dypper i mørk Valhrona-sjokolade før vi strør kokos på toppen. En annen er inspirert av lemon meringue pie, og er fylt med lemon curd og toppet med marengs som er brent av, sier kokk og kokebokforfatter Tom Victor Gausdal, som er en av folka bak Bollebar, til 2.9.21
«Dessuten er de fryktelig ferske. Trude Beate Brendehaug tryller frem topping og fyll i bakeriet på museet som ligger tvers over plassen på baksiden», skriver Avisa Oslo.
Avisa Oslo, 3.9.21