Jens Juel Visual artist 1745–1802 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (4) Livets dans. Samlingen fra antikken til 1950 Tidsbilder. Norge 1814 Fornuft og Følelser. Nordisk maleri og skulptur fra samlingene Born: 1745 in Balslev, Fyn, Danmark Death: 1802 in København, Danmark Nationality: Denmark Works in the collection (published): 17 Exhibitions (published): 4 Works in the collection (published) Otto Christopher von Munthe af Morgenstierne Studies for "The artist and his wife Rosine" Forarbeid til "Peder Anker til Bogstad med sin hustru Anna Elisabeth, f. Cold, og deres datter Karen" Head of a child Kjøpmann David Chrystie Study for "Peder Anker, his Wife Anna Elisabeth, née Cold, and their Daughter Karen" Studies for "Peder Anker, his Wife Anna Elisabeth, née Cold, and their Daughter Karen" Study of an arm Kjøpmann Peter Nicolai Arbo Fru Anne Cathrine Arbo, f. Collett Portrait of Bodilla Birgitte von Munthe af Morgenstierne, b. de Flindt Portrait of Bernt Anker