Thilo Schoder Architect 12.02.1888–08.07.1979 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (1) Arkitektur på museum. Et 40 års-jubileum Born: 12.02.1888 Death: 08.07.1979 Nationality: Germany Works in the collection (published): 104 Exhibitions (published): 1 Works in the collection (published) Flekkerøy skole Villa Schiøtz Bygård for Thonning Birkeland Villa Schiøtz Solbygg Enebolig for skipsreder Schølberg-Knutsen Enebolig for skipsreder Schølberg-Knutsen Hytte Solbygg Flekkerøy skole Flekkerøy skole Fritidsbolig for Viktor Samuelsen