Håkon Mjelva Architect 21.03.1924–2004 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (3) BYGGEKUNST. Arkitektursamlingen fra 1830 til i dag The Norwegian Glasshouse Samle sammen. Innkjøp og gaver 2003-2006 Born: 21.03.1924 in Molde Death: 2004 in Ski Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 28 Exhibitions (published): 3 Works in the collection (published) Refurbishment of the architect's apartment Gørvellaéen Eames House Midlertidig tomannsbolig i Gjørvelalléen sett fra hagen Gørvellaléen Hus i Molde Hus i Molde Hus i Molde Hus i Molde Hus i Molde Baker House Johnson Wax Building