Bjørn Winsnes Photographer 13.09.1925–25.11.2012 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (2) Piranesi and the modern age The Norwegian Glasshouse Born: 13.09.1925 Death: 25.11.2012 Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 171 Exhibitions (published): 2 Works in the collection (published) Telemark Hospital State Hospital for Epileptic patients Driftsbygg for Samkjøring av kraftverkene i Norge Tryvannstårnet Arkitekt Geir Grungs eget hus på Jongskollen Apartment building at Bjørnekollen Røldal-Suldal power plant Enebolig for Rostad Mosjøen høyere skole Elkem House Elkem House Skullerud innføringsstasjon