Henrik Bull Architect 28.03.1864–02.06.1953 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (4) Dragons and Logs BYGGEKUNST. Arkitektursamlingen fra 1830 til i dag Japanomania i Norden 1875 - 1918 Born: 28.03.1864 in Oslo Death: 02.06.1953 in Oslo Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 82 Exhibitions (published): 4 Works in the collection (published) Fra Finansdepartementets fasade Proposal for a new Theatre Building in Kristianina Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania Historical Museum The National Theatre, dressing room The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade Mogens Thorsens Stiftelse Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania The National Theatre, plan of 1. floor Parafinlampe