Geir Grung Architect 23.12.1926–16.03.1989 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (1) The Norwegian Glasshouse Born: 23.12.1926 in Bergen Death: 16.03.1989 in Oslo Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 168 Exhibitions (published): 1 Works in the collection (published) Inngangsparti til Tysso II Sun House Building System Tiznit Proposal for Täby Church Oasen Gullimin i Sahara Høyenhall elementary school House with studio for Odd Tandberg Diploma work, Crematorium Portal for the Olympic Games Driftsbygg for Samkjøring av kraftverkene i Norge Ullevål transformatorstasjon Dittenkomplekset - prosjektforslag