Charles Joseph Hullmandel Printer, Lithographer 1789–1850 Born: 1789 Death: 1850 Nationality: Great Britain Works in the collection (published): 26 Works in the collection (published) An account of the family of Laplanders; which, with their summer and winter residences, domestic implements, sledges, herd of living reindeer; and a panoramic view of the North Cape. Night bivouac at Skovbredden at the foot of the Finmark Alps Mid-day halt of Laplanders and rein deer in Russian Lapland, with the manner in which the seer dig through the snow to reach the moss (Lichen Rangiferinus) beneath Passing the Aunis Javri, at Hattan in Russian Lapland, and the confusion caused among the deer and sledges from their encountering the trunk of a fallen tree, in their descent to the lake Laplanders encountering the snow drift (snee fog) while passing the Chouis Niumi mountains in Norwegian Lapland View of the town of Tornea, the river, and the Landkirker, or Finnish Church, with Finland peasants returning home in their sledges across the ice after Divine service on Christmas Day Here we had the first sight of the sun at Mid-day, after it had left us for the winter at the North Cape Continuation of the journey, and the manner in which the Laplanders are obliged to force their way through a deep and recent fall of snow Laplanders overtaken at midnight by a fog on the summit of the Finmark Alps, while crossing the Sollivara Range Proceeding down the Tornea River, approaching the Polar Circle, with parties of Russian Laplanders returing from Kangis Fair on their way to Muonioniska Laplanders leaping their deer with the sledges and drivers over an unfrozen part of the Aiby-Elv Scene on the Koutokeino River in Norwegian Lapland. Exhausted state of the deer after crossing the mountains. Manner in which they lick up the snow as they proceed, and means employed by the Laplanders to urge them forward when tired. Dec. 9th. Night quarters in a fishing gamme on the borders of the Biggi Jaure. Our Laplanders, who bivouacked on the outside, were this night almost entirely covered by the snow, which fell heavily until morning