Suit Artist: Halvor Carl Christian Reiersen Creation date: 1860-tallet Object type: Suit On display: Room 014 The Collection Exhibition - Good homes make good communities "Suit" consists of: Show more Jakke Artist/producer Halvor Carl Christian Reiersen Hoffskredder, Tailor Born 04.03.1828, death 1896 Work info Creation date: 1860-tallet Object type: Suit Materials and techniques: Maskinvevd klede, silkestoffer i kypertavart og sateng, bomullsstoff, perlemor, metall, håndsøm Material: Ull Perlemor Metall Silke Bomull Dimensions: Length: 117 cm Rygglengde: 72 cm Keywords: Costume Textile Classification: 291.41 - Drakt, voksen, mann 291.7 - Drakt, kroppsdel, hel drakt 291.72 - Drakt, kropp 294 - Fremstilling av drakt håndverksmessig Production place: Oslo Inventory no.: OK-dep-00987 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Deposit 1956 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen/Annar Bjørgli Related works Halvor Carl Christian Reiersen Suit 1860-tallet Jakke Suit Suit Suit H. M. Kong Olavs Englandsdress Survival suit Survival suit Coastal Landscape Stetind med bjørk Farmer from Setesdal. Study for Fight in an old Farm House The Seabattle at the Lagoa Bay in 1799 Mill at Frostestad near Mandal