Kong Christian 4 Artists: Christina Uhlfeldt (by tradition) Simon de Passe (Artist for cartoon/modello i.a.) Creation date: Mellom 1660 og 1698 Object type: Embroidery On display: Room 018 The Collection Exhibition - Painting with thread Artists/producers Christina Uhlfeldt Born 1621, death 1698 Simon de Passe Visual artist Born 1595, death 1647 Work info Creation date: Mellom 1660 og 1698 Other titles: Kong Christian 4 (NOR) Object type: Embroidery Materials and techniques: Lin i toskaftbinding håndbrodert med silketråd, montert i medaljong av messing, glass med slipt skråkant Material: Silke Messing Glass Dimensions: Width: 8.5 cm Height: 11.5 cm Keywords: Textile Classification: 301 - Smykker 531.23 - Broderi 532 - Bildende kunst 643 - Statsoverhode Motif - type: Portrait Motif - person: Christian 4 av Danmark og Norge (depicted person) Production place: Danmark Inventory no.: OK-dep-00024 Cataloguing level: Single object Part of exhibition: Exhibition, 2015 Acquisition: Deposited 1909 Owner and collection: Deichmanske bibliotek, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Embroidery Mellom 1660 og 1698 Embroidery Embroidery Embroidery Nr. 0010 Nr. 6 Tracks II Embroidery Embroidery Embroidery Embroidery Embroidery Embroidery