Lux Artist: Jon Gundersen Creation date: 2002 Object type: Lamp On display: Artist/producer Jon Gundersen Sculptor, Visual artist, Drawing artist Born 18.03.1942 in Oslo Work info Creation date: 2002 Other titles: Lux (NOR) Object type: Lamp Materials and techniques: funnede luxo-lamper, stearinlys og malt trelist Material: Metall Voks Wood Dimensions: Length: 400 cm Depth: 5 cm Height: 4 cm Keywords: Lighting Arts and crafts Inventory no.: OK-2003-0204 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Part of exhibition: Fattig kunst - rik arv. Arte Povera og parallelle praksiser 1968 - 2015, 2015 - 2016 Installasjoner- et dokumentasjonsprosjekt om samlingen, 2008 - 2009 Acquisition: Accession, 2003 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Børre Høstland Copyright: © Gundersen, Jon Related works Jon Gundersen Lamp 2002 Båt på bølgeblikk The Calf The Beginning or End of an Era The Nest House with Stone Strekkfjær Kunnskap begrenser fantasien House of Squared Steel Når forventningen sammenfaller med mulighetene Sansen for legitime begrensninger Interior With Imperative Mandate Water on Its Way To the Sea