Hvilestol Artists: Pierre Paulin Artifort (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1966 Object type: Hvilestol Not on display Artists/producers Pierre Paulin Industrial designer Born 1927 in Frankrike, death 13.06.2009 Artifort Furniture producer Work info Creation date: 1966 Object type: Hvilestol Materials and techniques: Polstret struktur trukket med ullstoff stående på lakkert trefot Material: Wood Ull Dimensions: Height: 72 cm Depth: 75 cm Width: 105 cm Keywords: Furniture Design Classification: 352.1 - Sittemøbler Style period: Postwar Modernism Production place: Nederland Inventory no.: OK-2002-0154 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Purchased 2002 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Knut Øystein Nerdrum Related works Hvilestol 1966 Hvilestol Hvilestol Hvilestol F-33 Hvilestol Hvilestol Skallstol no. 134 Hvilestol Spinnaker Hvilestol Hvilestol Hvilestol