Vinstativ Artists: Torsten Johansson AB Formträ (Manufactured by) Creation date: Mellom 1965 og 1966 Object type: Vinstativ Not on display Artists/producers Torsten Johansson Designer Born 11.04.1920, death 14.05.2004 AB Formträ Work info Creation date: Mellom 1965 og 1966 Object type: Vinstativ Materials and techniques: Formpresset jakarandafiner Material: Jakaranda Bøk Dimensions: Height: 31.5 cm Depth: 18 cm Width: 38 cm Keywords: Furniture Design Household goods Classification: 352.4 - Oppbevaringsmøbler Style period: Scandinavian Design Production place: Sverige Inventory no.: OK-2001-0099 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Ervervet 2001 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Torsten Johansson Vinstativ Mellom 1965 og 1966 Lenestol Railway Station Tekanne Kaffekanne Bordur Ute av kurs Enebolig Strømsøe Notodden Yrkesskole Enebolig Strømsøe Kopp med skål Mugge Bowl