Evening dress Artists: Silkehuset (Dealer) Jean Patou (Artist for cartoon/modello i.a.) Creation date: 1954 (design) / 1960-tallet (omsøm) Object type: Evening dress Not on display Artists/producers Silkehuset Clothing- and fabric shop, Custom-fitted clothing Jean Patou Clothing designer, Tailor, Fashion designer Born 1880, death 1936 Work info Creation date: 1954 (design) / 1960-tallet (omsøm) Object type: Evening dress Materials and techniques: Maskinvevd silkestoff i satengbinding, fôr av bomullsstoff i toskaftbinding, plastglidelås, maskin- og håndsøm Material: Silke Gummi/plast Bomull Dimensions: Rygglengde: 128 cm Keywords: Costume Design Classification: 291.42 - Drakt, voksen, kvinne 294.4 - Yrkesspesialister, søm av klær 294.49 - Klesdesign Production place: Oslo Inventory no.: OK-1998-0059 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gift 1998 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Truls Teigen Related works Jean Patou Silkehuset Evening dress 1954 (design) / 1960-tallet (omsøm) Nuit de Chine Hat Evening attire Hansker Kjole Gala dress Evening dress Evening dress Evening dress Evening dress Evening dress Evening dress