Outfit Artist: Issey Miyake Creation date: 1985-1995 Object type: Outfit Not on display Artist/producer Issey Miyake Clothing designer, Fashion designer Born 1935, death 05.08.2022 Work info Creation date: 1985-1995 Object type: Outfit Materials and techniques: Maskinvevd polyester med plissémønster, maskinsøm, elastikk i livet Material: Polyester Dimensions: Length: 105 cm Rygglengde: 76 cm Keywords: Costume Textile Classification: 294.49 - Klesdesign 291.42 - Drakt, voksen, kvinne Production place: Tokyo Japan Inventory no.: OK-1997-0024 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Gift 1997 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen Related works Issey Miyake Outfit 1985-1995 Kjole Jakke Le grand Nord nr. 3 Graphisme nr 19 Outfit Outfit In-formation - Paris Identity Outfit Outfit Representasjonsantrekk til funksjonærer under OL '94 Outfit Outfit