Dukkestell Artist: Egersunds Fayancefabrik (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1937 Object type: Dukkestell On display: Room 020 The Collection Exhibition - Ideals, crisis ang growth "Dukkestell" consists of: Show more Dyp tallerken Mugge Kopp Work info Creation date: 1937 Object type: Dukkestell Materials and techniques: Flintgods med overføringstrykk Material: Flintgods Dimensions: Diameter: 5 cm Length: 11.5 cm Width: 4.8 cm Height: 11.5 cm Keywords: Fun and games Tableware Tableware Classification: 264.2 - Spising og spiseredskaper 323.1 - Keramikk generelt 857 - Barneaktiviteter Inventory no.: OK-1995-0084 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Gift 1995 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Anne Hansteen Related works Egersunds Fayancefabrik Dukkestell 1937 Dukkestell Kopp Dyp tallerken Mugge Dish Dish Vase Kopp med skål Asjett Rist Syltetøyskål Skål