Arv I original title Artist: Gro Jessen Creation date: 1992 Object type: Decorative textile On display: Room 003 The Collection Exhibition - Serving the faith Artist/producer Gro Jessen Textile artist Born 1938 in Omsland, Larvik, death 2003 in Oslo Work info Creation date: 1992 Other titles: Arv I (NOR) Object type: Decorative textile Materials and techniques: Håndtrykket på maskinvevd bomullsstoff i toskaftbinding, håndsøm Material: Bomull Dimensions: Height: 307 cm Width: 69 cm Keywords: Textile Arts and crafts Classification: 286.64 - Tøytrykk 531.2 - Tekstil kunsthåndverk 745.52 - Tekstilkunst Production place: Oslo Inventory no.: OK-1992-0151 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gave 1992 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Teigens Fotoatelier AS/Harvik, Andreas Copyright: © Jessen, Gro Related works Gro Jessen Decorative textile 1992 X her er det Et tre, rett forfra Fuglegitter Hei piggtråd Løvmåne Ekeløv Kjole Outfit Le rouge et le noir Fragment III Stille mørk Decorative textile