Bordlampe Artists: Uidentifisert kunstner Elektrisk Bureau (Producer of depicted object) Creation date: 1930-tallet Object type: Bordlampe On display: Room 020 The Collection Exhibition - Ideals, crisis ang growth Work info Creation date: 1930-tallet Object type: Bordlampe Materials and techniques: Forkrommet og lakkert metall Material: Stål Gummi/plast Wood Bly Dimensions: Height: 36 cm Diameter: 15 cm Keywords: Electrical equipment Lighting Classification: 354 - Varme og lys Style period: Functionalism Production place: Nord-Europa Norge Inventory no.: OK-1992-0120 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Purchase 1992 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Elektrisk Bureau Uidentifisert kunstner Bordlampe 1930-tallet Telefon Bordlampe Telefon Telefon L-1 Støvler Growth Noh-maske Jakke Bordlampe Bowl Hatpin