Bowl Artist: Elisabeth von Krogh Creation date: 1988 Object type: Bowl Not on display Artist/producer Elisabeth von Krogh Ceramist, Craftsman Born 31.03.1947 in Bergen Work info Creation date: 1988 Object type: Bowl Materials and techniques: Malt leirgods Material: Leirgods Dimensions: Height: 25 cm Width: 31.5 cm Depth: 27.4 cm Keywords: Tableware Arts and crafts Classification: 323.1 - Keramikk generelt 531 - Kunsthåndverk og formgiving Inventory no.: OK-1990-0110 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gift 1990 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Børre Høstland Related works Elisabeth von Krogh Bowl 1988 Optica Optica Krukke Krukke Optica Optica Optica Optica Optica Optica Krukke Krukke