Kalahari original titleKalahari original title Artist: Anna Sophie Rodin Creation date: 1987 Object type: Decorative textile Not on display Artist/producer Anna Sophie Rodin Textile artist Born 07.03.1935 in Oslo (fylke) Work info Creation date: 1987 Object type: Decorative textile Materials and techniques: Stofftrykk med pålagt gull på maskinvevd bomullsstoff i toskaftbinding, bakside av pålimt vlieselin. Håndsøm Material: Bomull Syntetiske fibre Dimensions: Height: 353 cm Length: 7.5 cm Width: 102 cm Keywords: Textile Arts and crafts Classification: 286.64 - Tøytrykk 531.2 - Tekstil kunsthåndverk Production place: Oslo (fylke) Inventory no.: OK-1987-0070 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Acquisition: Gave 1987 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Thorkildsen, Morten/Teigens Fotoatelier Copyright: © Rodin, Anna Sophie Related works Anna Sophie Rodin Decorative textile 1987 Ned i sanden II Mørkt tigerstoff Drakestoff Plissé Decorative textile Decorative textile X her er det Decorative textile Decorative textile Spill med optisk skygge Kaffekopper i Harstad Flyktig punkt