Lokk Artist: Herrebøe Fajansefabrikk (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1762-1766 Object type: Lokk On display: Room 009 The Collection Exhibition - A toast to Norway! Work info Creation date: 1762-1766 Object type: Lokk Materials and techniques: Bemalt og glasert fajanse, tinnlokk Material: Tinn Dimensions: Height: 19.5 cm Diameter: 13.3 cm Keywords: Tableware Decorative arts Classification: 323.1 - Keramikk generelt 326.7 - Messing, bronse og tinnstøping Style period: Rococco Motif - person: Frederik 4 av Danmark og Norge (monogram, initials, coat of arms, name in inscription) Production place: Halden Inventory no.: OK-1984-0046B Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1984 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Anne Hansteen "Lokk" relates to: Krus Related works Herrebøe Fajansefabrikk Lokk 1762-1766 Lokk Blomstervase Krus Potpurrikrukke Tekanne Dish Eddikkanne Potpurrikrukke Bordur Krus Fontene Dish