Finger ring Artist: Uidentifisert Creation date: 1830 Object type: Finger ring On display: Room 010 The Collection Exhibition - Politics and design Work info Creation date: 1830 Object type: Finger ring Materials and techniques: Smidd og gravert gull Material: Gull Dimensions: Width: 2 cm Diameter: 1.8 cm Keywords: Jewellery Classification: 301 - Smykker 326 - Metallhåndverk 326.81 - Gullsmed Style period: Empire Motif - person: Thorvaldsen, Bertel (historical event, person, place, with affiliation) Production place: Roma Italia Inventory no.: OK-1978-0400 Cataloguing level: Single object Part of exhibition: Design and Fashion. Norway 1814, 2014 Acquisition: Bequeathed 1978 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Uidentifisert Finger ring 1830 Finger ring Finger ring Finger ring Bispering Finger ring Finger ring Niels Boegh til Ødemark Pompous Rings II Finger ring Jet Fingerring Fingerring