Margariter Artists: Aslaug Mohr (Manufactured by) Frida Hansen (Artist for cartoon/modello i.a.) Creation date: 1916 Object type: Portiere Not on display Artists/producers Aslaug Mohr Frida Hansen Tapestry maker, Textile artist Born 08.03.1855 in Stavanger, death 12.03.1931 in Oslo Work info Creation date: 1916 Other titles: Margariter (NOR) Object type: Portiere Materials and techniques: Billedvev i transparentteknikk, håndvevd av ullgarn, frynser i kortsidene Material: Ull Keywords: Textile Classification: 286.3 - Veving 353 - Innredning og interiørdekorasjon 353.2 - Gardiner, draperier, skjermer Production place: Bergen Inventory no.: OK-15945 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Acquisition: Gave 1961 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Harvik, Andreas Related works Frida Hansen Portiere 1916 Margariter Røde Roser Portiere Sommernattsdrøm Fest Fantasiblomster Blåklokker Jephta's Daughter Faraos datter Olaf Liljekrans II Eventyrslottet Tegning