Frame Artist: Uidentifisert Creation date: Ca. 1760 Object type: Frame Not on display Work info Creation date: Ca. 1760 Object type: Frame Materials and techniques: Furu, skåret og profilert dekor Material: Furu Dimensions: Width: 192.6 cm Depth: 18.2 cm Height: 148 cm Keywords: Furniture Classification: 353 - Innredning og interiørdekorasjon 531.41 - Treskjæring Production place: Storbritannia Inventory no.: OK-14297 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1955 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Harvik, Andreas Related works Uidentifisert Frame Ca. 1760 Frame Frame Frame Frame Frame Peisomramning Frame Frame Frame Frame Frame Frame