Lysestake Artists: Abraham Leihamer Criseby (Manufactured by) Creation date: Mellom 1760 og 1780 Object type: Lysestake Not on display Artists/producers Abraham Leihamer Faience painter Born 1745, death 1774 Criseby Work info Creation date: Mellom 1760 og 1780 Object type: Lysestake Materials and techniques: Fajanse Material: Fajanse Dimensions: Diameter: 15 cm Height: 18.8 cm Keywords: Lighting Classification: 354.1 - Belysning Production place: Danmark Inventory no.: OK-09311 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Gave 1918 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Anne Hansteen Related works Abraham Leihamer Lysestake Mellom 1760 og 1780 Vase Lysestake 2 kandelabre Lysestake Lysestake Lysestake Lysestake Lysestake Lysestake Lysestaker Lysestaker Lysestake