Møbelornament Artist: Ukjent (Manufactured by) Creation date: Antagelig 1800-tallet Object type: Møbelornament Not on display Work info Creation date: Antagelig 1800-tallet Object type: Møbelornament Materials and techniques: Relieffskåret og forgylt løvtre Material: Wood Dimensions: Length: 31.5 cm Width: 9.8 cm Keywords: Arts and crafts Furniture Classification: 352 - Møbler og gulvbekledning 531.4 - Kunsthåndverk i tre 531.41 - Treskjæring Production place: Norge Inventory no.: OK-05615B Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1895 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Husby, Therese Related works Ukjent Møbelornament Antagelig 1800-tallet Møbelornament Møbelornament Kanne Skrin Herm of a god Statuette of Herakliskos Piazza S. Marco Photograph St. Hans Haugen Portrait of a man Photograph Wien. Stephansdom