Door handle Artist: Gebrüder Armbrüster Creation date: 1888 Object type: Door handle On display: Room 021 The Collection Exhibition V02F - Designing identities Work info Creation date: 1888 Object type: Door handle Materials and techniques: Smijern Material: Jern Dimensions: Height: 27 cm Width: 16.5 cm Depth: 9 cm Keywords: Building component Classification: 355 - Bygningsutstyr og bygningsdetaljer Production place: Frankfurt am Main Tyskland Inventory no.: OK-02986 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Purchased 1888 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen Related works Door handle 1888 Nr. 2155 («Regjeringsvrideren») Modell: 2166 Prototyper til dørvridere Modell: 8363 (prototyper og modell) Forstadier og prototyper Door handle Lever handle 111 Portrait of the Editor Ola Thommessen Psyche The View from my Window Coastal Landscape Gatescene