Plate Artist: Lars Kinsarvik Creation date: 1870-årene Object type: Plate On display: Room 014 The Collection Exhibition - Good homes make good communities Artist/producer Lars Kinsarvik Treskjærer og rosemaler Born 08.09.1846 in Kinsarvik, death 21.06.1925 in Kinservig Work info Creation date: 1870-årene Object type: Plate Materials and techniques: Rikt utskåret bjørk, dels gjennombrutt dekor Material: Bjørk Dimensions: Thickness: 2.3 cm Diameter: 20 cm Keywords: Tableware Arts and crafts Classification: 353.6 - Pyntegjenstander, løse 531.4 - Kunsthåndverk i tre 531.41 - Treskjæring Style period: Historicism Production place: Norge Inventory no.: OK-00841 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gave 1879 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Therese Husby Related works Lars Kinsarvik Plate 1870-årene Plate Tobacco box Cigar beaker Skje Beaker Penn Flowerpot Syskrin Bread cutting board Skrivetøy Papirkniv Papirkniv