Cigarette case Artists: Eusebio de Zuloaga (hypothetical) Plácido de Zuloaga (probable) Creation date: 1878 Object type: Cigarette case On display: Room 014 The Collection Exhibition - Good homes make good communities Artists/producers Eusebio de Zuloaga Metal craftsman Born 1808 in Madrid, death 1898 Plácido de Zuloaga Metal craftsman Born 1834, death 1910 Work info Creation date: 1878 Object type: Cigarette case Materials and techniques: Støpt og oksidert stål med graveringer, støpt og drevet gull og sølv Material: Stål Sølv Gull Dimensions: Width: 6.1 cm Height: 1.9 cm Length: 10.1 cm Keywords: Stimuli Container Classification: 276 - Tobakk, narkotika og stimuli 326 - Metallhåndverk 326.81 - Gullsmed 415 - Kar og beholdere Production place: Spania Inventory no.: OK-00405 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt 1878 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Cigarette case 1878 Cigarette case Cigarette case Pike med grønnsaker Studies of a Horse and Rider Kopp med skål Box Vase Tekanne Vase Snusdåse Kanne Sølje